Seriously, we can stop giving these people our money and stop giving them our data. You know how? By logging out and deleting our accounts. Delete the app, put your phone in a safe, remove Google Chrome from your computer. If enough people leave their stupid platforms, they lose the power we give them.
They may be able to find a userbase, but that's their problem to deal with.
If it is genuinely making you dread every single moment of every single day because you have to check the evil rectangle to see if your friend messaged you, log out for a while. Text a friend directly. Call people you know.
I get it, we truly have gotten into a groove where these things feel irreplaceable, but are they really? Did people 20 years ago not hold events, make plans, spread news, or get involved socially?
I'm pretty sure people did all of those things, it just took more effort. That being said, how much effort did it really take? What? You have to call a few friends, pick a venue, pick a time, and come to an agreement with people you know and like? How much of that really goes on when you use social media?
You know what? I trust that you have the ability to call a few friends, pick a venue, pick a time, and come to an agreement with people you know and like. I imagine you probably do that already, here and there, so you're already on your way!
Getting people's phone numbers, calling them directly, handing out flyers, or meeting people in real life have not gone anywhere, we did. We put a huge amount of our lives and time into platforms so awful and toxic that their owners largely DON'T USE THEM.
If you take a break from social media, I promise you'll recognize that you actually exist; that you don't need Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or whatever to validate your place in the world. You'll notice that the world feels smaller, and you'll be surprised how quiet your mind can be.
They see us all as cattle to be herded and led to our inevitable demise. They're constantly fighting tooth and nail for every single moment of your attention. They need you more than you need them, I promise you.
Do you know how to deny them the satisfaction of sending you the perfect targeted ad?