Imposter Syndrome is Officially Over

Being an imposter in 2025 is not only encouraged, but has simultaneously been turned meaningless considering the current American regime. When everyone in charge is a blatant imposter, harboring fear that your flaws will be exposed becomes irrational. Flaws are a feature of the human condition, and prove that personal improvement remains possible. Regardless, those in charge are so blatantly shameless that they cannot recognize their flaws, and this attitude is actually what empowers them.

Elon Musk, the worlds foremost public dullard, is acting with impunity to create oligarchic conditions, a convicted felon and habitual liar is in the White House, and everywhere you turn there's yet another wallet inspector lurking about to give your billfold a peek for any discrepancies. The Trump presidency's crushing austerity means that normal people’s lives are being destroyed by the biggest and most corrupt bullshit artists around to benefit those who have more than enough. Why drain yourself of worth by constantly questioning your place in the world? I promise that you're not some imposter, but even if you are, who cares at this point?

I implore you, do not wait for anyone's permission to speak your mind and be honest about what you see with your own eyes. After all, the worst people in the world certainly aren't stifling themselves out of fear their flaws might show.

Quite literally everywhere you look, whether it be the news, the internet, or advertisements plastered on busses, you'll find a new idiot-loser with no credentials or credibility parading their misplaced self confidence despite their myriad of flaws. None of these frustrating jagoffs has ever once believed he couldn’t do anything he wanted given enough time. They’re disgusting pigs who have no shame, and you can match that by not stifling your unkind words toward these scum-sucking lunatics. Your opinion is equal, if not more informed, than the people in power at this moment.

They are proudly walking into every room and delivering nonsensical interpretations of things they know nothing about. Their shamelessness is their strength, even if they absolutely should be ashamed of their brazenly asocial phobias. Your ideas are likely multitudes better than theirs, go out there and let them and everyone else know about it! Do it without shame, believe you're right and speak against these morons with your chest. Call the ingrates in power what they are: pigs, freaks, hogs, losers, idiots, frauds, hucksters, dumbasses, dolts, and rubes. They deserve unkind words.

This isn't to say you shouldn't accept criticism or dissent. To be unlike the cadre of villains at the top, be open to and accept correction graciously. Be better than them.

If someone with similar sensibilities to you corrects you, listen to and own the correction if necessary. Again, you may have flaws, but that means you have room for improvement. Be unlike the shitheels in power in as many ways as you can. Don't surround yourself with people who will never say no to you. Welcome good-faith challenges to what you say, but stand firm when you know you're right.

If I'm going to point this energy toward you, I may as well point it inward.

Seriously, what is the point of not owning my accomplishments and merit at this point? I know for a fact I am more capable than the most powerful people on the planet. I listen and care about people and their material outcomes. I have strong problem solving skills and can communicate my solutions effectively. I tend to give far more than I take because it is the right thing to do. I refuse to give to others what I would not accept for myself. Plain and simple.

I can say with certainty that I deserve to be just as, or more, confident than any of these shit-spouting fuckheads in charge of everything. I am better than whatever those freaks are. They’re simultaneously the most powerful people of all time while also being incredibly inept at everything they do, so I guess that means anyone can do it.

What Billionaires do doesn’t require skill, talent, or acumen. The only thing it truly requires is a disregard for society at large. I think we are best to not empower ideologies that are willing to sacrifice untold amounts of people so "the market" can generate the first trillionaire. I know that I'm right and I'm confident their ideas don't work, because they don't. My credential for that opinion? Seeing it with my own eyes. If the most powerful people operate off of gut feelings and that's enough, then I suppose I'm allowed to as well. (So are you)

The money-hoarding elite are members of an inherently asocial class. They’re essentially a cohort where everyone is Ted Bundy, but instead of murdering hitchers they seek to immiserate and dominate as many people as possible so long as it is profitable.

The people ruining the Earth only retain regard for themselves, but it's important to remember that they are primarily a class of idiot dork nerds with too much time on their hands. They want to be Lex Luthor because they are idiot dork nerds. They want to be Hitler because they are idiot dork nerds. They want to be Napoleon because they are, you guessed it, idiot dork nerds. They’re a bunch of pathetic larpers who’d rather accumulate and hoard billions of dollars through any means necessary than spend time loving anyone but themselves. They're disgusting freaks without humanity, and they see the perceived underclass (you and me) as beings without agency. They think you're lower than dirt, meet them with the same energy.

The United States of America is a country that rewards ruthlessness instead of regard, smarminess instead of honesty, and dullness instead of intellect.

It’s incredibly clear that in order to make it in America you must fake it at a every turn. Everything is a scam now, there is no meaningful way to engage in what anyone is selling anymore with good faith. Be ruthless in your attempts to help and spread goodness to as many people as possible. Fuck anyone who gets in your way, they're evil and only want to enrich themselves and those loyal to them.

The only thing you’re free to do in this country is lie, cheat, and steal. It’s clearly the only way to get ahead, so we need to beat them at their own game. This requires not disqualifying yourself before you've even tried. I promise that the average American is smarter than Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and any number of ghouls they'll parade in front of the camera. You can make a difference; you can spread love, empathy, care, and honesty to those around you. You're capable of things they can't imagine, partly because they lack imagination, curiosity, and empathy. This is how we win. We have the people.