NS4B Post #0

The American project has historically positioned itself as the primary global agent for a better future. The fundamental difference between that ideal and reality is the immiseration our country has permeated throughout the planet time and time again for the interests of ultra-wealthy. If we, as Americans, are to believe we are exceptional, we must fight against billionaire oligarchs, political corruption, and work to regulate industry to benefit the majority of people around the globe. It’s an uphill battle against impossible odds, but I’m not going to be silent and let billionaires continue to destroy our lives and our future.

They think they are the main characters, they aren’t.

We all need to stand together and become agents for change in this world. The billionaires are positioning themselves to survive a catastrophic meltdown. They know ecological collapse and civil unrest are imminent if we don’t take action, and they are banking on their wealth shielding them from the rising tides. If you don’t have more than 100 million dollars to your name, you’re not one of them, and it’s abundantly clear they think you’re lower than dirt.

They’re not like us.

It’s untenable to turn our ire toward anyone but the wealthy who tip the scales in their favor. High net-worth individuals (HNWI) have immense amounts of money and power built on the backs of our misery and suffering. It's imperative we build a coalition to stop them.

That’s why I’m starting NS4B.org. Until we can all agree that billionaires are not to be granted a shred of sympathy, we will continue to lose to them. Billionaires feel no sympathy for us, we must return the favor by feeling no sympathy for billionaires. We must support policy that redistributes their wealth to the rest of us. We must do everything we can to have the voices of the 99% be heard. Create petitions, call your representatives, march in the streets, and spread awareness for the plight of the masses by all means available. It is our only hope.

In short, we must fight against the hoarding of resources by high net-worth individuals. My goal with this site is to spread awareness and support that end.

What do I offer?

I’m offering a newsletter, podcast, or some sort of media experience that will take shape in time. I want this site to be a place where ways to get involved can be shared, and anti-HNWI initiatives can gain the attention they deserve.

For now, I am just seeking your interest in helping me shape this project to reach as many people as possible. My intention is to spread a mindset that I believe in, and I hope you agree that loathing these greedy douchebags and making fun of them is a net-good for society.

Join my email list, if you donate I’ll send you stickers to further spread the word.

